The Committee would like to give notice of the AGM of Bradley Barton Primary School PTFA, to be held on Thursday the 6th of October at 6pm. The meeting has been postponed from the originally notified date of the 21st September.
The meeting will take place in the school hall, with wine and nibbles (and soft drinks of course) provided.
The PTFA plays a vital part in the school community and all parents, as members of the PTFA, are invited to support the AGM. This is your chance to hear and see how the PTFA has performed throughout the year, and how the funds you have helped to raise will be used for the benefit of the children at our school.
The AGM is also an opportunity for you to elect the PTFA Committee, who represent the association throughout the forthcoming year. Nominations for anyone wishing to stand as an Officer or Ordinary Committee Member should be made in writing to the Chair at any time until the election process has completed. Email us at with the name of the nominee, the position nominated for, and details of the nominator and seconder. Please see the roles and descriptions below. The existing committee wish to inform members that they will be standing for re-election. Please note that this year will are asking people to consider Ordinary Committee Member roles in the form of Grants Officer and Class Reps.
If you would like any further information about being a Committee Member, please speak to any member of the Committee, or email us at As a registered charity, all committee members automatically become Trustees of the Charity. Before submitting your nomination form, please read the Charity Commission publication ‘The Essential Trustee – What you need to know (CC3)‘.
Roles and Descriptions – If you’re viewing on a mobile device consider rotating your screen or accessing the document direct here.
The AGM starts with a welcome from the Committee and Mr Wootton. The AGM minutes from 2020/21 will be confirmed and accepted, and then the Chair will provide the report for the year 2021/22, followed by the financial report from the Treasurer. We will discuss the appointment of an Independant Examiner of Accounts.
We then move along to the Election of Officers and Trustees of the Committee, which will be enabled by Mr Wootton. Nominations for election to the Committee may be made by one member and seconded by another. Such nominations must have the consent of the nominee. Nominations should be made in writing to the Chair at any time until the election process has been completed (see notice).
This year there a small number of special business items.
Firstly, the Committee is proposing that we adopt the latest Model Constitution (governing document) on the advice of Parentkind. Parentkind is a charity that supports PTFAs like ours up and down the country. The PTFA adopted their model constituion when we first registered as a charity, nearly 20 years ago. Since then it’s been updated to allow for digital meetings, communications and decision making, as well as to clarify a number of clauses.
You can see our current Constitution and the proposed version with notes below. These changes will be reviewed at the AGM, and a vote taken on the issue. If the PTFA agree to adopt the updated constitution the Committee will have to work with the Charities Commission to formalise the change.
We are also looking for volunteers to take on certain specific and limited roles, which may be of interest to anyone who would like to be involved without the committment of taking on a role as Trustee. We will also be requesting member suggestions for our goals and projects this year.
Finally, the committee would like to present a proposed schedule of events for the year. This framework will allow us to plan ahead through the year, allowing us to plan a few larger scale activities and give volunteers plenty of notice. The schedule is a planning framework only, and would be likely to change with circumstances and to allow new ideas and member interests to be accomodated for.
You can find the full agenda below, as well as links to the supporting documents.